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Do You Need To Evolve & Grow?

Evolving may take a lot less effort than you realise. We often run around following the latest spiritual fads or doing courses for the purpose of evolving faster, but did you realise that each of us is already very far evolved, sometimes we just need to realise it? What if I was to tell you that all of our answers are already there inside us? We seek outside of ourself endlessly but really we just need to sit quietly and look inside for the answers. We can never be left behind. How can this be?

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As humans, we each have our own Soul. And this soul, whilst a part of us, is also watching over us from another realm or dimension. Our own soul is already quite evolved, yet it seems to be part of human nature that we keep looking for answers from other sources or people, rather than relying on the best source - US.

In the past Piscean Age, we looked continuously outside of ourself for the lessons and knowledge we needed, yet in this new age we only have to look inside at what is already within us. This is not to say that courses, workshops and books won't help us for they surely will. But no longer do we have to have a physical teacher who we must follow or even worship. We don't need a guru anymore, which was appropriate in the past Piscean Age. In the new Aquarian Age, its much more appropriate to learn our lessons by looking inside ourself and then decide which teachers we may follow from time to time. We no longer need just the one Guru and we have much more freedom to follow our needs and hearts.

Think of yourself as a big box and you are constantly unwrapping yourself and discovering new layers, deeper understandings, and revelations. No one else can show you these because they are YOUR layers which are within you. But others can point out what they might be, or how you might get there. It's like constantly opening a present; what fun! 

Sometimes our inner revelations are big and sometimes they're just small. Sometimes we may not have revelations at all for a time as we get on with life. Nor can we force them to occur because spiritual insight or revelation has to unfold in the right timing. But we can keep our eyes open and keep reading uplifting or spiritual writings.

The 5 Elements Of Self-Evolvement

Following is a list of 5 elements that can help us evolve. We no longer need to travel to India, follow a guru, join an ashram, live in a monastery, or give up aesthetic things like food in order to reach a spiritual knowing. Those of us who live in the West no longer need to take specific trials, and yet we can now still reach a very spiritual place. We are ascending, or raising our vibration, and it's never been easier. Here are a few pointers on what you will need to make this Ascension easier.

White Bud

1. Peace

Existing peaceably in our life is essential for our evolvement, for without peace, we have constant drama which is like a wheel that keeps going round and round. We have to reach a peaceful state in our overall life in order to evolve spiritually.
Do we need to have peace in the entire world? For our individual evolvement we don't, although undoubtedly we would prefer it. For the entire world to become peaceful we need to work on our own peace first. We may want to finish off with relationships that no longer serve us, instead only inhabiting pleasant relationships with those who support us (and we them). We can find peace in our home life and hopefully our work place. We cultivate our peace inside us.

2. Knowledge

Spiritual knowledge is the basic for our evolvement, i.e. are you on a spiritual path or have you found God, angels or your own Higher Self? It is through reading that we get most of our knowledge, for example Buddhist readings, learning about Christ, or simply reading channeled messages, just to name a few. The knowledge we attain needs to be based in love and reality. For example, it is no good reading about war because war is never based in true reality. It is usually a means for one side to make a profit, and is based on principals that are not truth. So then, it is knowing about love and truth that set us up for our further evolvement.

3. Time

Time is an amazing resource when we have it, for with time we can think, we can begin to wake up, or we can help others. When we are time poor, we can barely get through our day feeling sane since we're so stretched. We do not need a lot of time, but we need a little space just for us so we can think and sort ourself out. It is through 'not doing' that we reach peace as well, or have time for spiritual reading. Time is very important when we step onto a path of evolvement, especially at the start of our journey, to set us up with a solid and strong foundation.

4. Looking Inside - At Our Wisdom

This is one of my favorites, looking inside. You may not realise what is in there but we each have a wealth of knowledge and wisdom inside us. The current world, as it is now, doesn't call on us to have wisdom, but just because we haven't used it before doesn't mean we don't have it. What kinds of amazing lessons have you already learned whilst growing up? You can even make a list and write them down to see for yourself that what you have already is quite impressive.

Have you learned how to stand up for yourself, peaceably? Perhaps you've become a master at letting go of people who always want to cause conflict, realising this isn't what you want. Maybe you're great at helping others release their conflicts, or helping by standing up for others, being an advocate. Being on earth right now means learning many thinks, like discernment. As we grow, we become more and more discerning as to what is right and wrong, who to believe and not believe. Whether it is considering people in the public, in government, locally or in our lives, we are growing more able to see more about people than we could in the past. At every turn we find ourself full of wisdom. Take the time to look at what you already know.

5. Never Discount 'Just BEING'

I'm showing my Buddhist roots but as anyone in the New Age knows, we already ARE evolved. Sometimes we just have to remember we don't need to become, we just need to be what we already know we are. Slow down, center yourself, learn to relax, and see if you can find what you were always looking for within. We already have all we need inside if we look, we just forget it sometimes.

It's funny how many people are obsessed in proving to others how spiritual they are. They collect courses, workshops and books so that they can show what they have done, forgetting that it's the 'being' that counts. What about those teachers who are forever teaching about love but don't practice it in real life? (Yes, I've known some of these). Then there are those who become obsessed in the money side of Spirituality, and lose their way in making a buck. Well we all know how easy that can be.

Sometimes it is coming back to the most simple aspects. Some people look at my website and think I must be a great teacher and then wish they too could do something like that. But why? I'm obsessed with writing (always have been) but it doesn't change who I am. I am you. I'm not on any other "level" and neither is anyone else; we're all equal. We already have everything we need, including the love, right inside of us. We don't need to search around for it outside of us when it's right there all along, quite within reach. Do don't have to try to endlessly evolve, you don't have to TRY at all. You just have to relax in the love you already have, the forgiveness you already are; you just have to let it out.

This is our journey and yes, we all forget it at times. We are already there, we are just endlessly unfolding. Forget the distractions and remind yourself, you can't be any other way for you already are made of Spirit. Relax. I hope this is a reminder of how much you have already evolved.

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