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What Is Channeling?

It is possible to connect with and talk to higher dimensions through Channeling and I am going to explain what channeling is and how to receive 'direct energy' from reading channelled messages. Yes, it is possible.

Firstly, let's describe what channeling is and why the angels and galactics are coming through with messages for us in this way.


What Is Channeling?

When you are reading 'channelled' messages, what you are reading is the words and energies of spiritual beings who are less dense, less physical than you are and who are not living on Earth. Most channelled messages are from Higher beings of Love, those who wish to bring through words, advice, news and especially codings and spiritual messages. We will explain what codes come through in a moment.

The reason for the channelled messages is that this is an easy way, and often the ONLY way these messages can be heard. A person may go into a trance, may use automatic writing, or may be in normal consciousness when they channel. When I learned to channel, I learned to do it in normal consciousness,  but all ways are equally good. You can begin by contacting your own angels and guides, who are excellent to channel, and simply ask them questions you want answers to. As you practice, you get better and better at it until you can 'hear' their personalities very easily, the particular intonation they speak with, or hear them laugh, or hesitate at a question to get it right.

Spiritual Insights and Love

Channelled messages themselves have several purposes. The most obvious is the message itself. They may offer advice, love and support. If you are reading any channelled message that is negative or offers no love or support, then you will know it is a fake message. There are several famous messages that are consistently fake, or come from a dark source that is pretending to be light. Not everyone can see right through these. Any message that is too specific or induces fear is not from the light, so it is best to discontinue reading those and find a source who has loving messages to read.

Many lightworkers enjoy reading the messages for the news they have. I have been reading these for over twenty years and now we are at a point where a lot of interesting things are happening on our earth and the whole light team has stepped up another level. As much as we wish to connect with them, they return this feeling and wish to connect with us. They are as excited as us! You are not imagining the love, friendship and support. It is real. They are ever so fond of us and love to contact us to give us hope and also remembrance of who we are. We ARE them, often quite literally. Not everyone is ready for that piece of information.

Do You Hear Them?

People experience reading channeling in different ways, with different intensities. Yes, some get a lot of energy and intensity out of it while for others it is just words on a page. How do you experience it?

We all have differing levels of belief when it comes to channeling, and if someone doesn't believe it is real then that is their reality and there is nothing wrong with that. Those who are more psychic or intuitive / sensitive may literally feel the energy coming out of the message. I wish to reveal that the higher dimensional ones who are giving us the message tune into us as we read, and link with us where and when we are. They can literally look at our energy and interact with us as we read what they say.

Many may think this is impossible, but remember they are higher dimensional beings so they can interact with us whilst the message is being dictated. It is like a twisted piece of time, but really this is natural to them. It may take a while for you to understand how a being outside of time can link into you in real time and interact, but they do it easily. Do you hear their voice, their intonations, their energy? Some people feel this as they read and it is a lovely experience. It just takes practice. I wanted to put it out there so people knew this was possible. If you are at all sensitive to the energy of others or an empath, a clairvoyant, a psychic, then you can do this too. Even if you are just sensitive, you can develop with with a bit of practice.

Are You Blocking The Energy?

There are some Lightworkers who may block this energy so they cannot feel or sense it. They may wonder sometimes if what they are reading is real, or even wish so badly to connect but can't quite make the connection. You may need to clear these blocks and just LISTEN. Use your intuition and open yourself to feel the energy of the transmission. Perhaps not all messages appeal to you so chose the ones you love and open to them. Let the energy in.

Below are some possible blocks people may have that stops them feeling the message and feeling the direct love sent to them.
  1. Feeling you are not good enough to talk to galactics, masters or angels. Yes, you are good enough!
  2. Feeling you are not advanced enough or only 'others' can do this. You are perfectly advanced as you are! Everyone begins from the beginning and learns as they go. You can too.
  3. Maybe they aren't sending you energy or maybe you aren't lovable. Truly they send energy to everyone, and yes everyone is lovable, even you. Let go of your doubts and believe.
  4. You're not psychic or sensitive enough. All humans are psychic and so are you. Just clear your mind and let it in.
  5. The message is not for you or they aren't interested in you. No, YOU are why they are sending it, they love you!
It is such a delight for me to read channelled messages because of the energy I get. I hope with practice everyone can do the same.

Coding and Light

What fascinates me about channeled messages is the CODING and energy in the messages. I am not really conscious of the actual coding as I read a message, but it is there and may be seen as something we may 'download' to help us if we are open to it. It is in the way they speak, the order of their words, and also energetically present in the message. We pick up on it but it may not be a fully conscious thing. Quite often they talk about the energy they are sending us, or the love coming down on us. You may not pick up that energy, I find that is often harder to sense - yet they are sending it.

If you love channelled messages, then you may be higher dimensional yourself. You may be a lot like those beings and can reach up and reach them on their level.

Some Messages Contain More Energy Than Others

Just remember too, as a last note, that some messages have a lot of energy but not all beings send that personalised energy in their channelings. Of the higher beings, each is different and individual and while you read some messages the love or support pours off them, for others the energy is quieter or more subtle. It may only be one sentence that jumps off the page while you read it and you can 'hear' the being in that sentence. I find this, for example, often with Archangel Michael's messages. There is a lot of wonderful information and the energy of Him is subtle, then suddenly he says he loves you and it is like he is right there with you, such an overpowering energy comes off the page, and you have a little 'wow' moment.

My advice is to try to read a wide variety of channelled messages from different sources and compare how each of them feel. Remember not to judge any of them as well. Practice non-judgment and openness and I hope you enjoy your messages.

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