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Starships & Cloudships

There's an increasingly larger number of starships visiting our Earth and 'showing themselves' to us, a trend we are told is to continue. Who are they, what are they doing and what do they want? We see lots of movies about space beings and many of these movies are more negative about unfriendly aliens who want to tear us limb from limb. These can be fun movies but we all know how they go, don't we? Although fun, they tend to give aliens a bad name. I prefer to think of more positive movies that paint aliens as advanced and friendly, maybe here to help humanity. Our ancestors, the human aliens, the ones who aren't really aliens at all. Wouldn't it be nice?

Cloud Ship

I saw the movie "Arrival" recently and this seems to wrap up where humanity is right now. In this movie, we were trying to work out if we could trust the aliens and what they wanted. The aliens were very frightening looking, like trees that walked on their roots. Although we couldn't talk with them too well, and they weren't even aggressive, people got quite paranoid about them. One person even said (I'm paraphrasing), "What if they are being aggressive and this is what it looks like?" I mean, mankind is crazy enough to take peaceful behaviour and non-aggression and turn it into a horrible and warlike action. This is true, by the way. It blows my mind.

I believe we are and will continue to be visited, and that the starships will show themselves to us every now and then, until mankind can get used to them and become curious about them, not fearful. Meanwhile, many ships tend to cloak themselves to look like ship-shaped clouds. Yes, clouds. Who could be afraid of a cloud, right?

There are many articles in this website about different kinds of star-people. You can scroll down beneath this article to see a list on them. They are all hanging around our Earth right now because our planet is going through some big changes. Things are certainly heating up down here and they are interested in us and you would hope our well being. This is why they are gradually showing themselves and their lightships to us. Some lightships are interdimensional, meaning we may not even see them unless we ourselves are operating on a higher dimension. Also, there are lots of clouds shaped as starships, sometimes it looks like a fleet of them hanging above. They can sit up there for hours unmoving, whilst other normal looking clouds blow away on the wind. No one could prove definitely they are ships but they look like ships, and they want their presence to be seen in a non-threatening way.

As a psychic I channeling myself, so I often feel the love that comes through when I talk to guides / angels / star people. Many of us on earth are starseeds, meaning our own origins are originally from other worlds, and we volunteered to live here to help bring in more light. Maybe you feel like you don't belong here, or you feel like this world doesn't suit you or is a crazy world. Try reading the article below: Are You A Starseed? This is another reason why so many ships are around the planet right now, because they have family living on earth.

Cloudships can also be associated with interesting colours like beautiful, multicoloured hues all around them. Almost like a multi-coloured aura of light that can hardly be threatening. I am reminded of one Star Trek opening sequence with a ship surrounded by beautiful colours.

Will these ships ever have more to do with Earth? At some point disclosure must occur. The truth of the many contacts made with governments must come out to the public. Perhaps its understandable that governments have not been honest with all of us - maybe society wasn't ready for it yet. But the cover-up has been enormous, as has been the reported sightings. We are moving towards this.

Cloud craft

Perhaps the starships are on our side after all, and wish to remove the threat of destruction of this world. Maybe they are part of the protection of this world; there's a thought to ponder. Maybe they use their technologies to help us remove radiation spilling out of Fukushima each day, still ongoing. We have greatly mismanaged this world to a toxic state and maybe they are here to bring us healing technologies to help Earth to survive.

The best many of us can do to thank them is to wave at a cloudship, and tell others you saw a friendly ship. Why would they harm us when they are already helping us. We may be hearing more about them soon during Disclosure. I wonder what that would be like. It could be a really good thing.

Now I wish to present a channeling from Ashtar (the Starship Commander of the Galactic Fleets). He says the sightings will be occurring more and more as time goes on.

Ashtar via James McConnell, November 11th, 2018



I am Ashtar.  It is always wonderful to be with you in these times and moments in the midst of these many changes that are occurring and are about to occur.

I come at this time to share with you those outer happenings that are occurring above you in the many ships, the many fleets that are here, those ones that you have heard of that have been parked just outside of your atmosphere for some time.  And as we have said several times that we have come closer and closer, even to the point where we have begun more and more to uncloak ourselves so that those that have eyes to see can see us, and that of the Pleiadian fleet that is preparing not only a great celebration, but they are planning an operation, you might say, an operation that will bring this even closer—disclosure–closure and closer to you.  In order for that to happen, those of you, the Way-showers, those of you that are on the forefront of these great many changes to the earth and to the consciousness here on the earth, those of you that have been preparing, have been working with these energies,  it is time now for you to realize that you are in the midst, right in the midst, of these changes, and as has been said, you are the catalyst for these changes.

Your consciousness is creating every moment of your lives so it is time more and more now to create that which you want to happen, create everything that you are longing for.  Because as you do so, those of us in our ships, all of the fleets that are out here, will be able to come closer and closer to you, to you as individuals and you as groups.  The entire populace  may not see us yet, but those of you who are ready and prepared, do not fear, do not shy away, those of you will be able to see us more and more.  We are showing ourselves now to you more and more often, because operations are underway to bring disclosure about.  If it will not happen from those of your leaders to make those announcements, then it will happen as a result of your creating this.  You are the disclosure:  remember that.

As these energies from this gateway come flooding into the planet, those of you will feel this, will feel it sometimes as an elation or a blissful moment, other times it will be overwhelming to you.  For the consciousness state that you are in, in the moment, will dictate how these energies will react with you.  That is what you have to member:  the more that you can be in a neutral state of consciousness, the more these energies that are coming in will feel right to you, will feel like it is a part of you.  When you find yourselves in a lower state, a lower vibration, then these energies will interact and create changes within your central nervous system, thereby bringing about certain symptoms possibly that you have not felt yet before.   I tell you this now so that you are more and more in alignment with these higher vibrations.  The more you can be in these higher vibrations, the more you can feel elated, lifted up higher in consciousness, and out of the third dimensional illusion, the more you will feel as if everything is going exactly according to the divine plan.

I am Ashtar.  I leave you now temporarily.  And I say temporarily because we are always with you, and are always just a whisper away to be more fully with you.  Those times are coming where we will be able to appear to you much more than you can possibly imagine yet at this point.

All my peace and love be with all of you.

Ashtar out.

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