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Where I Live In Victoria & Communism

I have an announcement to make about the state of Victoria where I live. Apparently because the rate of V's in Australia is extremely low (like only 2-3%, where in the UK it is about 60%) they are going to extraordinary means to see we will get jabbed, which is pretty surely a death sentence according to many I've been reading. They want all of us dead. So apparently the Communists have come here and get this: They are now going door to door to convince us to get the jab! They WILL NOT WIN. No, this will not convince us so you better change your plans. I heard this off Archangel Michael. These are Commies, to put it nicely, and communism is trying their hardest to overtake Australia. Who else could get us all to "lockdown", give up our money and sit in suffering? The Commies no less. No, it won't work. No one but one lone person has died from Covid all year and she was 90 years old. No one cares. Keep locking us down over nothing but guess who will prevail? It is us.

The Chimera Group

I got a message today about another bad thing (for me) but it seems it has already passed. I think this was Chimera based but luckily it is over. Firstly, I heard a message today about the last of the Chimera, which are now flushed out of their underground bases by water of all things (many floods in Europe) and straight after I heard this message. Apparently "something was watching me and it had a crown. It was not a king or a queen but something in between." Can I just say to this message...YUK YUK YUK.

As it came to me straight after hearing the Chimera message, I assume it was dead and passed, since my guides would never scare me with news of something like that who was alive. So of course I asked them, and yes it is gone, so they said. They very briefly told me about something alien, unholy, awful and then they said darkness. Well since the giant spiders, the top of the pyramid, are almost gone, then I guess we can say it. Cue giant CELEBRATION! And a little dance. I had no idea. And here they are with their helicopters with DEW weapons, their car bombs, their other car bombs trying to smash into my house, and the guys with the...well let's leave that unsaid. Like Trump, they can't wipe me out and I think that is true of lots of people. Good.

Walk-In Army

Also, news is that a vast army of walk-ins is coming in right now to help combat all of this. Many dark, new agendas are rolling out on us so that we go back to being FEAR based and not in love. Well, it's not happening. There are enough brave humans who have seen the light, and who refuse to die, to get the jab or whatever is coming our way, and we will continue to hold tough. To hold on. To hold the Light for all others who yet need it. We will do this. And now an army of extremely high vibrational Lightworkers and Walk-In's is coming in to help us out tremendously! This is amazing news and I am so happy about it.

A Walk-In is someone who comes into the fully grown body of someone who has finished their life and is ready to leave. And they swap. One moves on happily, who is ready to move on, and another new one comes into the body and swaps their place with the leaving one. It is a starseed who is coming in and in this case an extremely evolved starseed and they quickly work out who they are and what they are to do. Phew! Such great news. The liberation of planet Earth is going well but please remember to meditate and put Light on Mother Earth and to use the Pillar of Light Meditation also.

The Pillar Of Light is imagining a large pillar of light coming down through your center, coming from the Great Central Sun, through to the Central sun, and through to our Sun, then traveling through your center, through all of your chakras and down into the Earth. You can imagine it going down to the center of the Earth and wrap three times around the center of the Earth and back up again. You can also see it adding to the Earth grids as well. It is a gift to you and the Earth and carries all the latest codes that you need for your Ascension. Done daily is a very good way to meditate.

Update On 21st July 2021

OMG they said it today on Channel 9 in Australia, between 9:30am and 9:45am, on 21st July, 2021. The disease expert (I'll get her name next time) just said that a lady who had been vaccinated got Covid anyway, and this was said so matter of factly, it's alarming. She had the vaccine and later on she still got Covid. But then she said this lady is only half as likely to spread it... Oh really! So even if she is walking around with Covid, only half the normal amount will catch it off her? So just so you realise, even IF you get vaccinated it does NOT stop you from catching Covid 19. So why then must we all get vaccinated when it does nothing against Covid? It would explain why the people with the v are so horrified of those of us without it. They can still catch Covid even after being v'ed. I would be careful. Another fact she dropped whilst talking to the media is that old people are not getting the v. OMG, now we are learning the truth. She said numbers of the v were much higher amongst normal people rather than old people. Very, very interesting indeed.

The Communist Creep?

We also heard on the morning shows about the Covid rules may be here to stay. TO STAY? Why this is how they take over a country with Communism, didn't you know? Why not keep travel restrictions in place, why not keep lockdown laws in place? Why not lock us all up, keep jabbing us experimentally with things not approved by the FDA? Why are we free at all? Why not make us wear a mask everywhere, everyday? Make it too illegal to visit a friend's house. Make it so all the stores we like are shutdown. Masks don't work by the way and they do nothing. At this stage the water is pretty warm and when exactly are we going to jump out of the water? Does it have to boil first? I'm not worried because I know they are going after the Commies in August. They are going after the media. Going after the Deep State, since all their leaders are gone, all their undergroud bases and cities are gone. The Chimera are gone - too bad they can't swim at all. Well we will have to wait and see. It will be interesting.

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